
发布日期:2021-06-22   信息来源:雅万项目   作者:孙倩  字号:[ ]







What are you doing on this stage, in front of all these people? That's the voice of my anxiety talking. Each time when I give a speech in front of the public, it appears, disturbing me. Even when there's absolutely nothing wrong, I sometimes get this overwhelming sense of doom, like danger lurking around the corner. A few years ago, when I was in college, I was diagnosed with SAD(which is social anxiety disorder).there was a time I wouldn't have told anybody, even my parents and my roommates. I had the misconception that this is a sign of weakness, a character flaw. It's a shame. It's an embarrassment. It's the stigma inside of others. I feared the truth. I feared my vulnerability. That's what makes me hold it and hide it. I keep it and hide it, but it didn't seem to help.

My face turned red, my voice and body were shaking, but I didn't know when and where this would happen. So during that period, I avoided contact with anyone around me. They didn't know what's wrong with me. The only thing they knew was that I didn't speak to anyone. But the truth was I can't. I can't say even one complete sentence even though in front of people I knew well. As you can imagine, even daily communication also became problematic. I have begun to realize that I couldn't solve the problem by myself. I started to seek help from my school psychologist after several treatments and a summer vacation spent at home. Things got better. But I still was someone who struggled intensely with SAD.

This is the sickness; it's the struggle, and this kind of sickness isn't like others. You couldn’t beat it once, and it's gone forever. It's something you live with. It's something you live in. It's the roommate you can't kick out. It's the voice you can't ignore. It's the feelings you can't seem to escape. This kind of fear made me feel like I was forced into a corner, and there was only one way out. I thought about it every single day. I can't just push it aside, put it in a corner, pretend it's not there, and hope it'll fix itself. Well, it won't, it hasn't, and it's not going to because that's wishful thinking; wishful thinking is procrastination.

I no longer cover it because I know that it can’t be controlled by myself, I accept and live with it.At the same time, I seek help from others rather hide with it.Maybe the thought that when it was solved everything will be completely different is wrong. There will always be troubles what we should do is learn how to live with it rather kill it.Now, SAD still pops up from time to time and disturbed me, but I have learned that when it appears, I should use appropriate methods to deal with it, instead of fearlessly worrying about it when it doesn’t appear. I also learned to ask my friends for help, telling them that I have this kind of problem, and my friends could always give me understanding and support. In many situation, what we are afraid of is not the bad things themselves, but the unwarranted fears that have been amplified and added by our own brains.

I learned a lot from friends and colleagues. Everyone is an exquisite book, and in this indistinguishable environment, they can always live a different and wonderful life. The past is like sand between your fingers, it is difficult to reserve; the future is like the moon in the water, illusory, the most real, and the most important is often the present. Remember an interesting experiment. When two wooden boards with a spacing of 50 cm are placed on the ground, it is easy for everyone to cross from one wooden board to another. However, when two wooden boards with the same distance are placed at a height of 10 meters, only few people can successfully cross. The key to this problem is concentration. When we reach high altitude, our attention is distracted by many other things, our fears, the wind around us, the dizzy feeling when looking down, etc. At this time, our attention is no longer where the other board is. If we can pull back our thoughts, get rid of distracting ones, and focus only on the position of the next board, we can easily cross over another board. Focusing on the present, encountering problems, and solving problems, and so on, maybe this is life.

Nothing is perfect, however, we can find perfectness in everything by changing our way of seeing things. I get a lot of encourage from people here, I decide to deal with this anxiety in person, and also, I accept my character flaw, I am who I am, I accept myself completely. I also don’t feel sorry for what I have gone though, these are all my life, and it always tells me something.Maybe just because what we experienced is what we must be.So work as hard as we possibly can, and then see what will happen.

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